
Lore Fragments

A Sexton's Secret [ Winter 2 ]

Certain knowledge, it is said, can be expressed only through the particular quality of a silence. It has been suggested that one can only read such knowledge with one's eyes closed, but only by mischievous commentators. [Use this in a Rite with a corpse and Edge aspect, and the corpse will rise.]

A White Ceremony [ Winter 4 ]

When I speak it, my lips don't crisp with frost. Each time, this is surprising. [Use this in a Rite with a Heart influence and Byzantine Tinct to summon the Voiceless Dead.]

An Operation of the Declining Sun [ Winter 6 ]

This invokes, acknowledges and welcomes the passage to silence. [Use this in a Rite with a Heart influence and Byzantine Tinct to summon the Voiceless Dead.]

Invocation of the Ivory Dove [ Winter 8 ]

There is a power that commemorates and grieves, from whom nothing is taken, but who cannot be deceived. You might expect to be able to crush him in your hand, into bird-bone fragments. [Use this in a Rite with Martensite Paste and an assistant dedicated to Knock - or other resources of equal power - to summon a Maid-in-the-Mirror.]

Recitation of Lost Hours [ Winter 10 ]

Six are gone. Five came from Stone and one from Light. All went to Nowhere. Still their memories have power, and now we call upon it. [Use this in a Rite with Martensite Paste and an assistant dedicated to Knock - or other resources of equal power - to summon a Maid-in-the-Mirror.]

The Division of the Names [ Winter 12 ]

When the Sun-in-Splendour was divided, the Names fractured too. Here as the shards of their names which once were whole. [Use this in a Rite with Martensite Paste and an assistant dedicated to Knock - or other resources of equal power - to summon a Maid-in-the-Mirror.]

Wolf-Word [ Winter 14 ]

When the Forge is cold and the Glory is dark and the Wood is dust, perhaps the Wolf Divided will rest, but only until it can devour itself. This word almost expresses the Divided One's hatred. [Speak this to a Hunter, and it might drive them insane on the spot.]
