Ezeem, the Second Thirstly

'Phrygian! The Great Mother's tongue! Of course. If you have enough Greek, I guarantee that the experience of learning Phrygian will be very pleasant.

- Studying with Ezeem, the Second Thirstly

Ezeem, the Second Thirstly is a powerful spirit that can be summoned by using any rite.

If you already know Greek, it can teach Phrygian.

Speaking to Ezeem, the Second Thirstly:

With a Reason will give you the Thresher of Thoughts option, which will convert the Reason to a Decrepitude and provide you with the level 6 Knock lore, A Consent of Wounds.

With a Health to "request a Stay of Execution." This creates A Stay of Execution card that prevents sickness from killing you if you have no health left.


Summoning Ezeem, the Second Thirstly requires performing a Rite with at least 10 Grail, 2 Forge and 5 Knock.

Ezeem is Sulking

When killed or decayed, Ezeem, the Second Thirstly becomes Ezeem is Sulking, which last for 180s and cannot be used. Ezeem, the Second Thirstly is a unique spirit, so this period is a cooldown time when you cannot use it.

“ Ezeem will be fine, eventually."



