The Forge of Days

'We call upon the Forge of Days,

who remakes with fire;

who ends what will not change;

who ends all nights' [1]

One of the original gods-from-light who descended from the Glory, the Forge of Days is the Hour of destructive change, from which the aspect of Forge takes its name. She was worshipped once as a pre-Zoroastrian deity, but throughout history has been involved in many significant events that have changed the Mansus and the balance of power within it. She is perhaps best known for causing the Intercalate, in which she divided the Sun-in-Splendour, whom she loved, to prevent them from having children and risk becoming Alukite.[2][3][4][5][6] Her aspects are Forge[7] and Lantern[8] and her hour is 8 p.m.



The Lithomachy: The Forge of Days was responsible for eclipsing and shattering the Flint, one of the gods-from-stone who ruled before humanity. The Forge is also credited with reshaping the House of the Sun and opening the ways into the Mansus.[9][10]

The Forbidden Acts of the Forge: The Forge of Days was the one who created the “sparks” of delight which took root and planted the seeds of the Flowermaker, another god-from-light.[11]

The Battle of Issus: When the Golden General of the Shadowless Empire learned the “great secret of betrayal” from King Darius, he forswore his oaths both to the Empire and the Colonel, his former mentor. In shattering his sword, he knew he was enacting a teaching of the Forge of Days, which allowed him to ascend as the Lionsmith into the Mansus.[12][13]

The War of the Roads (1450-1580): In one History, a group of Long called the Children of the Leashed Flame used the power of the Forge of Days to lead England to an early conquest of Europe. The Church of the Unconquered Sun and the Sisterhood of the Knot fought back against them, and the Grail is noted in particular for her conflict with the Forge during this time. The war finally ended with tremendous losses on both sides.

The Intercalate: The Forge of Days loved the Sun-in-Splendour, and their union was long prophesied. But to prevent the Sun-in-Splendour from having children, the Forge of Days divided the Sun, killing it and creating the Solar Hours from its former Names, as well as the Wolf Divided.[14][15]




Other Notes

Real World References

Theories and Questions

In-Game Sources

1. The Last Pieces of the Great Work 2. Forge 3. Study Tasmane's 'The Burning of the Unburnt God' 4. Read 'The Book of the Extinguished Heart' 5. Read the Six Letters on Necessity 6. Read 'The Time of Division' 7. Veneration: Forge 8. Illuminate Mysteries 9. Read 'In Memory of Gods' 10. Read 'The Book of Dissolution' 11. Read 'A Catalogue of Uncharted Pleasures' 12. Read 'The Book of Thrones' 13. Rite of the Rebel Striving 14. Read 'The Vinzant Inscriptions' 15. 'The Forge of Days' 16. Summon one of the Name-emanations of the Forge of Days, Summon one of the Name-emanations of the Forge of Days (success) 17. King Crucible 18. Read 'The Iron Book' 19. Summon a creature of smoky deception, Summon a creature of smoky deception (success) 20. Caligine 21. Read 'On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Pursuit', Read 'On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Loss', Read 'On Matthias and the Amethyst Imago: Transformation' 22. At the Stag Door, Again, Way: Through the Stag Door, This is Not the Answer, The Stag Door deck 23. Study a censored edition of 'The War of the Roads, 1450-1580' 24. Read 'The Irreproachable Traditions of the Society of the Noble Endeavour' 25. Captain Welland 26. Our Enemy's Identity, (welland_unknown) 27. Atar 28. Brigid 29. Apostle Aestuant 30. Invisible Serapeum 31. A Conversation with Dr Blackwood
